Creation of Classes Java

Creation of Classes Java

In a single file named, create an Enemy class, Player class, and gameObject class.  The Enemy and Player (sub) classes should inherit from the gameObject (super) class.  Create a player and a few enemies.  Create the basic movements (left/right/up/down) for the player.  Develop a menu in the main method that allows the player to move around.

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Creation of Classes Java

gameObject SuperClass
Variables Description
static char World[][] = new char[41][21]; This is the character array that will store what is at each XY location.  It is static so there is only one World for all game objects.
int Xpos, Ypos XY location of the game object.  The top left of the screen will be 11.,
int HP Hit points of the game object – it is alive as long as HP > 0,
int Attack Attack rating of the game object – the higher the number the more damage it does
int Armor (optional) Armor rating of the game object – the higher the number, the less damage it takes when attacked
char Avatar The character that will be displayed when the World is printed
Methods Description
PrintWorld() This will print the World to the screen.  Example code:
for (int y=1; y<=20; y++)
for (int x=1; x<=40; x++)
// optionally put a space after each element
if (x < 40) System.out.print(” “);
MoveRight() Move the game object to the right.  Here’s some example code:
if (World[Xpos+1][Ypos] == ‘ ‘)
World[Xpos][Ypos] = ‘ ‘;
World[Xpos][Ypos] = Avatar;
MoveLeft() Move the game object to the left.
MoveUp() Move the game object to the up.
MoveDown() Move the gameobject to the down.


Enemy SubClass (inherits from gameObject)
Variable Names Variable Description
String Type Type of enemy such as “Orc” or “Troll”
int Speed (optional) The speed of the enemy.  You could have some enemies move 2 spaces per turn instead of 1.
Methods Names Methods Description
Enemy() Constructor that takes 1 parameter – Type Creation of Classes Java

You can set the Enemy’s Xpos,Ypos to a random location

In the constructor, you will set these things based on the Race:  HP, Attack, Armor, Speed, Avatar.  For example:
if (Type.equals(“Orc”))
{  HP = 50;  Attack = 5;  Armor = 20;  Speed = 1;  Avatar = ‘O’; }


Player SubClass (inherits from gameObject)
Variable Names Variable Description
String Name Name of the player.
int Gold (optional) The amount of gold the player has collected. Creation of Classes Java
Methods Names Methods Description
Player() Constructor that takes 2 parameters – Name, Avatar

Since there will only be 1 player, this constructor will only be called once.  Therefore you can initialize the World here.  Here’s some example things you could do:

// set entire world to spaces
for (int x=1; x<=40; x++)
for (int y=1; y<=20; y++)
World[x][y] = ‘ ‘;

// put the player into the world after filling it with spaces
XPos=2;  YPos=2;  World[2][2]=Avatar;

// line perimeter of world with trees ‘@’
for (int x=1; x<=40; x++)
{  World[x][1] = ‘@’;  World[x][20] = ‘@’;  }
for (int y=1; y<=20; y++)
{  World[1][y] = ‘@’;  World[40][y] = ‘@’;  }

// draw a lake at a random location ~
int a = (int)(Math.random()*30)+4;
int b = (int)(Math.random()*10)+3;
World[a][b] = ‘~’; World[a+1][b] = ‘~’; World[a+2][b] = ‘~’;
World[a][b+1] = ‘~’; World[a+1][b+1] = ‘~’; World[a+2][b+1] = ‘~’;
World[a][b+2] = ‘~’; World[a+1][b+2] = ‘~’; World[a+2][b+2] = ‘~’;


Below is an example screen print showing the player, Orcs, Trolls, armor and weapons.

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ K             $                                                           @
@                                                                           @
@         %                                                     O     O     @
@                                                                     O     @
@                     ~ ~ ~                               T                 @
@                     ~ ~ ~             O O                                 @
@                     ~ ~ ~             O O                                 @
@           +                                                               @
@                                                                           @
@                         $                                                 @
@                                                                           @
@                                                                           @
@                                                                     +     @
@       O O                         %                                       @
@                                                                           @
@               $                                                           @
@                                       $                     T             @
@                                                                           @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

Enter your command:


The main program will be rather simple since many things are handled in the classes. Creation of Classes Java

import java.util.*;
public class game
public static void main (String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String Choice = “”;

// creating the player will initialize the world
Player P = new Player(“Kirk”,’K’);

// create some enemies in random locations
Enemy E1 = new Enemy(“Dragon”);

while (!Choice.equals(“q”))
System.out.println(“Enter your command: “);
Choice = in.nextLine();

// call move methods – you can use the standard gaming directions – a,s,d,w
if (Choice.equals(“a”))