Farmers and Self- Reliance

Farmers and Self- Reliance

Author Note

I understand the plagiarism policy outlined in the IWU Catalog relating to the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized while completing this assignment. I certify that the work submitted is original work specific to this course and my program. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University.

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Farmers and Self- Reliance


Being self-reliant is what most Americans would like to be in terms of ensuring that your survival and financial sustainment depends solely upon one’s ability to provide for oneself. , I will provide recommendations on how farmers may become self-reliant resourceful and to have financial sustainment not relying upon the United States’ (U.S.) subsidies provided to farmers., With that said today I will provide recommendations for farmers to ensure that their path to self-reliance is attainable and executable. ,Also I will provide the necessary resources farm structure requirements training personnel concrete steps to implement and the timeline for implementation as well as what the definition of success looks like and how success is measured using virtuous decision making determining how farmers may be self-reliant resourceful and have financial sustainment.

Author Note

I understand the plagiarism policy outlined in the IWU Catalog relating to the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my paper, I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized while completing this assignment. I certify that the work submitted is original work specific to this course and my program. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper, I understand the possible consequences of the act/s, which could include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University. Farmers and Self- Reliance


Being self-reliant is what most Americans would like to be, in terms of ensuring that your survival and financial sustainment depends solely upon one’s ability to provide for oneself.  I will provide recommendations on how farmers may become self-reliant, resourceful, and to have financial sustainment, not relying upon the United States’ (U.S.) subsidies provided to farmers. With that said, today I will provide recommendations for farmers to ensure that their path to self-reliance is attainable and executable. Also, I will provide the necessary resources, farm structure requirements, training, personnel, concrete steps to implement, and the timeline for implementation, as well as what the definition of success looks like, and how success is measured using virtuous decision making, determining how farmers may be self-reliant, resourceful, and have financial sustainment. Farmers and Self- Reliance